Glyphosate Exemption Form
City residents and/or property owners wishing to exclude the verge immediately adjacent to their property/residence from Glyphosate weed control can apply to be added to the City’s Exemption list using the form below.
By completing this application, chemical weed control within the road reserve (verge and kerbline) adjacent to the registered property will not be undertaken by the City. The property owner/occupier agrees to maintain the verge adjacent to the registered property in accordance with the City’s Street Verge Guidelines and Property Local Law; eg. keep the permissible verge treatment in a good and tidy condition.
Requests to be removed from the Pesticide Use Exclusion Register must be made to the City in writing.
Step 1: Download and fill out the below form
Step 2: Save and attach the completed step 1 form to the email address Alternatively, the step 1 form can be printed and delivered by hand to the City of Nedlands administration.
Download the form
What chemical is used in spraying the footpaths and kerb lines around the City?
The chemical currently being used is Glyphosate. This is a relatively safe and effective herbicide and is therefore the one most commonly used by local government.
Is Glyphosate safe?
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Agency (APVMA) continues to advise that the use of products containing Glyphosate are safe to use, in accordance with label instructions. The City conducts its operations in excess of the requirements, imposed by the national and state regulatory authorities, and the product label.
What is the most effective way to avoid the City spraying Glyphosate on my verge?
The City’s contractor only sprays visible weeds. Where a kerbline does not have visible weeds, spraying will not happen. Therefore, ongoing effective management of weeds by mechanical or other methods is the best way to ensure that Glyphosate is not sprayed on your verge.
When does the City conduct the Road Reserve Spraying?
Treatment is scheduled for April/May and August/September. It is dependent on the weather conditions and contractor availability at the time.
Why does the City spray kerbs and footpaths?
Spraying is necessary to keep the paths and kerbs safe and functional. It also assists in reducing the spread of weeds in private properties and natural areas.
Why doesn't the City use steam or other mechanical methods?
The costs and effectiveness of steam and mechanical methods appear to provide poor value money, when compared to chemicals such as Glyphosate. Steam is required at least three (3) times a year, with recommendations of between six (6) to eight (8) sprays per year, compared to Glyphosate two (2) times a year. A recent cost comparison showed steam four (4) times the price per application, compared to Glyphosate. Mechanical removal would involve considerable labour costs and at least three (3) treatments per year.
How long does my exemption last?
This exemption is for a period of 1 year. It is the resident’s responsibility to inform the City each year if they wish to remain on the no spray register. This is to allow for change of occupancy etc.