Election Signage
An election sign is a sign that encourages a person to vote for a particular candidate, political party, referenda or matter relating to any Federal, State, or Local Government election.
An election sign must contain the name and address of the person authorising the sign and the name and place of business of the printer of the sign, as required by section 4.87 of the Local Government Act 1995.
The City’s Election Signs Council Policy governs how election signs may be displayed within the boundaries of the City of Nedlands during Federal, State or Local elections. The Policy establishes a clear framework regulating how, where and for what period of time an election sign may be displayed.
Signage on State road reserves are governed by Main Roads.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I install election signs?
Signs can only be installed within the relevant election period and must be removed within two (2) days after the relevant election day.
Where can I install election signs and what are the requirements?
To ensure the safe use of City parks and reserves, election signs are not permitted to be placed on or within any City parks and/or reserves. Furthermore, to reduce the risk that election signs on City facilities or City land are interpreted as having the endorsement of the City, election signs are not permitted on or adjacent to municipal buildings and leased facilities, including but not limited to Nedlands Library, Mt Claremont Library, Tresillian Arts Centre, Nedlands Depot, and the Administration Building.
Subject to the terms of the Election Signs Policy, a permit for election signs to be displayed on City land will not be required under the Local Law where the sign is:
- only displayed during the election period and removed within two (2) days after that election day;
- free standing and not affixed to any existing tree, sign, post, power or light pole, or similar structure;
- at least 1.5 metres from the edge of the carriageway and 0.5 metres from the footpath;
- erected at least 10 metres from any intersection of thoroughfares;
- not closer than 50 metres to a signalised intersection or before any speed indicator sign;
- not placed on a median strip, roundabout or other traffic control device;
- not placed within an intersection;
- not placed within 50m of a pedestrian crossing;
- not located in, or within 50 metres of, a 40kph school zone;
- not placed so as to obstruct or impede:
- a footpath, thoroughfare or carriageway;
- the reasonable and/or safe use of City Land; or
- access to a place by any person;
- placed so as not to obstruct or impede the vision of a driver of a vehicle entering or leaving a thoroughfare or crossing; and
- not placed within 100 metres of any works on the City Land;
- maintained in good condition;
- securely installed;
- not displaying only part of a message which is to be read with other separate signs in order to obtain the whole message; and
- not located in a position which would suggest that the sign has the endorsement of the City, including on premises leased from the City by third parties.
What are the dimensions, materials and design elements that I can use for election signs?
- Signs must no be more than 1.5 square metres in area.
- Signs must not be higher than 1.2 metres from the top of the sign to the natural ground level.
- Signs must not be illuminated (externally or internally), move, flash, be reflective, be fluorescent, rotate or otherwise cause a distraction to road users;
- Signs must not be self-adhesive;
- Signs must not advertise any organisation or person other than a political party or a registered candidate.
- Signs must not use the City's logo or crest.
Do I need approval to display election signs?
Election signs on private land require approval from the land owner. Election signs on local road verges require approval from the adjacent land owner. Election signs on City managed land do not require local government approval so long as the signs comply with the requirements of the Election Signs Council Policy. These requirements are designed to protect public safety and visual amenity.
What do I do if I see an elections sign that does not comply?
Please report the location of any election signs that do not comply with the above requirements to the City of Nedlands via phone (08) 9273 3500 or email council@nedlands.wa.gov.au. The City will investigate and remove any signs that do not meet the requirements.