How to Vote

The City of Nedlands holds postal elections conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Commission. If you are enrolled, you will receive a voting pack in the post around three weeks before election day on Saturday 21 October 2023.

 You can submit your vote as soon as you receive your voting pack through the following options:

  • by mail - post using the reply-paid envelope provided in your pack, or
  • in person at the City of Nedlands Administration Building, or
  • in person at the Mt Claremont Library.

If you plan to post your vote, please allow enough time for it to be received before election day. Completed papers can be returned in person up to 6pm on 21 October 2023.

If you do not receive a voting pack or your pack is damaged, you can apply for a replacement pack at the City's Administration Centre. Photographic ID will be required.


Changes to Local Election Voting in 2023

In 2023, local government elections in WA will move to optional preferential voting. It is similar to how voting is done in State and Federal elections. 

Under the optional preferential voting system, voters number candidates in the order of their preference. You have the choice to:

  • vote for one candidate by putting a 1 next to their name, or
  • vote for some candidates by numbering several candidates in the order of your preference, or
  • vote for all candidates by numbering all the candidates in the order of your preference.

Single vacancy elections
Under the optional preferential voting system, a candidate will need the support of a majority of voters to be elected. In order to achieve this, if no candidate has a majority of the first preferences, the lowest placed candidate would be eliminated and their preferences would be distributed to the voter’s next most preferred candidate. This is the same allocation of preferences that occurs in elections for the Legislative Assembly and House of Representatives. As a result, the elected candidate is the most preferred candidate of a majority of voters. 


Why vote?

Voting in a local government election is not compulsory in Western Australia. However, all electors are strongly encouraged to participate by submitting their vote. Local Government plays an important role in providing local services and maintaining a strong local community. The election is your opportunity to have your say about the future of your local community and who represents you on Council. See who is running for the 2023 election by visiting our candidate profiles page.